Animal Planet Program Schedule for the Week of March 2 - 8, 2025
Sunday, March 2
6:00 AM Scaled: Poison Dart Frog Family
7:00 AM Scaled: Jurassic Blue-Tongued Skink
8:00 AM North Woods Law: Cliff Face Crisis
9:00 AM North Woods Law: Mountaintop Mystery
10:00 AM North Woods Law: Stranded in a Storm
11:00 AM North Woods Law: Trail Blazers
12:00 PM North Woods Law: Moose in the City
1:00 PM North Woods Law: Cracking a Cold Case
2:00 PM North Woods Law: Stubborn as a Moose
3:00 PM North Woods Law: Taking the Bait
4:00 PM North Woods Law: Lake Collision
5:00 PM North Woods Law: Trapped
6:00 PM Yellowstone Wardens: Winter's Fury
7:00 PM Yellowstone Wardens: Responding to the Call
8:00 PM Yellowstone Wardens
10:00 PM Yellowstone Wardens: Open Season
11:00 PM Yellowstone Wardens: No Crime November
12:00 AM Yellowstone Wardens
2:00 AM Yellowstone Wardens: Open Season
3:00 AM Yellowstone Wardens: No Crime November
4:00 AM North Woods Law: Lake Collision
5:00 AM North Woods Law: Trapped
Monday, March 3
6:00 AM Flying Wild Alaska: Deep Freeze
7:00 AM Flying Wild Alaska: Trick or Tweto
8:00 AM Flying Wild Alaska: Goodbye Sun
9:00 AM Flying Wild Alaska: ERA Alaska Rises Again
10:00 AM Flying Wild Alaska: Every Dog Has Its Day
11:00 AM Flying Wild Alaska: Arctic Winds
12:00 PM Homestead Rescue: High and Dry
1:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Poisoned
2:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Fire and Ice
3:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Shock and Awe
4:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Killzone
5:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Fury and Fire
6:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Alaskans Unite
7:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Twist of Fate
8:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Fire on the Forty
9:00 PM Homestead Rescue: On Thin Ice
10:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Count Your Blessings
11:00 PM Homestead Rescue: Dead of Winter
12:00 AM Homestead Rescue: Fire on the Forty
1:00 AM Homestead Rescue: On Thin Ice
2:00 AM Homestead Rescue: Count Your Blessings
3:00 AM Homestead Rescue: Dead of Winter
4:00 AM Homestead Rescue: Killzone
5:00 AM Homestead Rescue: Fury and Fire
Tuesday, March 4
6:00 AM My Cat From Hell: Terrorizing My Clients
7:00 AM My Cat From Hell: Graveyard of Peed on Things
8:00 AM The Zoo: Birds and the Bees
9:00 AM The Zoo: Snow Monkey Social
10:00 AM Mega Zoo: Overcoming Obstacles
11:00 AM Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet: Operation Baby Owl Rescue
12:00 PM Crikey! It's the Irwins: Crocodile Love Story
1:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: The Villalobos Bowl
2:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: City of Second Chances
3:00 PM Louisiana Law: Fowl Play
4:00 PM Louisiana Law: Hail of Gunfire
5:00 PM Louisiana Law: Black Market Butchers
6:00 PM Dog Detectives: Learning Curve
7:00 PM Dog Detectives: Expect The Unexpected
8:00 PM Wardens of the North: Water-Winter Wonderland
9:00 PM Wardens of the North: Too Close to the Safety Zone
10:00 PM Wardens of the North: It's Turkey Time
11:00 PM Wardens of the North: Fire in the Hole
12:00 AM Wardens of the North: Water-Winter Wonderland
1:00 AM Wardens of the North: Too Close to the Safety Zone
2:00 AM Wardens of the North: It's Turkey Time
3:00 AM Wardens of the North: Fire in the Hole
4:00 AM Louisiana Law: Hail of Gunfire
5:00 AM Louisiana Law: Black Market Butchers
Wednesday, March 5
6:00 AM My Cat From Hell: Mad Max
7:00 AM My Cat From Hell: Chubs
8:00 AM The Zoo: Walk on the Wild Side
9:00 AM The Zoo: Baby Bunnies, Big World
10:00 AM Mega Zoo: What to Do When Expecting
11:00 AM Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet: 40 Snakes and Counting
12:00 PM Crikey! It's the Irwins: Road Trip Rescue
1:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: Unexpected Development
2:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: A Home at Last
3:00 PM The Vet Life: Hope for Hoppy
4:00 PM The Vet Life: Training Day
5:00 PM The Vet Life: Lights, Camera, Action!
6:00 PM The Vet Life: Dunk-A-Doctor
7:00 PM The Vet Life: Not So Easy Riders
8:00 PM Tanked: Fernando Vargas' Knockout Tank
9:00 PM Tanked: Howie Mandel's Surprise Tank
10:00 PM Tanked: The Amazing Piano Tank
11:00 PM Tanked: Gangster Tank
12:00 AM Tanked: Fernando Vargas' Knockout Tank
1:00 AM Tanked: Howie Mandel's Surprise Tank
2:00 AM Tanked: The Amazing Piano Tank
3:00 AM Tanked: Gangster Tank
4:00 AM The Vet Life: Training Day
5:00 AM The Vet Life: Lights, Camera, Action!
Thursday, March 6
6:00 AM My Cat From Hell: On the War Path
7:00 AM My Cat From Hell: The White Tornado
8:00 AM The Zoo: Love Shack
9:00 AM The Zoo: Giraffe in the City
10:00 AM Mega Zoo: Moving Day Dilemma
11:00 AM Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet: Battling FIV
12:00 PM Crikey! It's the Irwins: Robert & The Rattlesnakes
1:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: Everything for Emma
2:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: Young Blood
3:00 PM I Was Prey: Surviving for my Son
4:00 PM I Was Prey: Attacked in Alaska
5:00 PM I Was Prey: Close to Home
6:00 PM Swamp Wars: Killer Pythons
7:00 PM Swamp Wars: Gator vs. Python
8:00 PM Swamp Wars: Cannibal Gator
9:00 PM Swamp Wars: Snakes Attack Suburbia
10:00 PM Swamp Wars: Snake Farm Shootout
11:00 PM Swamp Wars: Killer in Your Mailbox
12:00 AM Swamp Wars: Cannibal Gator
1:00 AM Swamp Wars: Snakes Attack Suburbia
2:00 AM Swamp Wars: Snake Farm Shootout
3:00 AM Swamp Wars: Killer in Your Mailbox
4:00 AM I Was Prey: Attacked in Alaska
5:00 AM I Was Prey: Close to Home
Friday, March 7
6:00 AM My Cat From Hell: Pissed Off!
7:00 AM My Cat From Hell: Bea Hates CeCe
8:00 AM The Zoo: Back to Africa
9:00 AM The Zoo: Taming of the Shrew
10:00 AM Mega Zoo: Navigating a New Normal
11:00 AM Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet: On the Edge of Nowhere
12:00 PM Crikey! It's the Irwins: Swimming With Steve
1:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: Rescue Dogs Reunited
2:00 PM Pit Bulls and Parolees: A Girl Named Gun
3:00 PM My Pack Life: Meet the Underdogs
4:00 PM My Pack Life
5:00 PM My Pack Life: Sarge is In Charge
6:00 PM Treehouse Masters: Alaskan Mountain Treehouse
7:00 PM Treehouse Masters: International: Scandinavia
8:00 PM Treehouse Masters: Rusty Rooted River Shack
9:00 PM Treehouse Masters: The Alaskan Treetop Sauna
10:00 PM Treehouse Masters: Off-the-Grid Getaway
11:00 PM Treehouse Masters: Treehouse Utopia
12:00 AM Treehouse Masters: Rusty Rooted River Shack
1:00 AM Treehouse Masters: The Alaskan Treetop Sauna
2:00 AM Treehouse Masters: Off-the-Grid Getaway
3:00 AM Treehouse Masters: Treehouse Utopia
4:00 AM My Pack Life
5:00 AM My Pack Life: Sarge is In Charge
Saturday, March 8
6:00 AM Mega Zoo: Moving Day Dilemma
7:00 AM Mega Zoo: Navigating a New Normal
8:00 AM Gator Boys: Mud Gator Attacks
9:00 AM Gator Boys: Alligator Rampage
10:00 AM Gator Boys: Mama Gator Mayhem
11:00 AM Gator Boys: Stormin' Gators
12:00 PM Gator Boys: Gators Gone Rogue
1:00 PM Lone Star Law: Don't Mess With Texas
2:00 PM Lone Star Law: In the Nick of Time
3:00 PM Lone Star Law: Small Town Troubles
4:00 PM Lone Star Law: In Hot Water
5:00 PM Lone Star Law: Trashed
6:00 PM Lone Star Law: Deadly Conduct
7:00 PM Lone Star Law: Slaughter at Sea
8:00 PM Louisiana Lockdown: Bones
9:00 PM Louisiana Lockdown: Escape!
10:00 PM Louisiana Lockdown: Death Ride
11:00 PM Louisiana Lockdown: After Midnight
12:00 AM Louisiana Lockdown: Bones
1:00 AM Louisiana Lockdown: Escape!
3:00 AM Louisiana Lockdown: After Midnight
4:00 AM Lone Star Law: In Hot Water
5:00 AM Lone Star Law: Trashed